[Eng] Slow Coffee Changed my Life | Booínga Blog

   The (proudly) Portuguese brand Booínga Café was created due to the endless love of two brothers for the world of coffee. Maybe because of their african origins and heritage, this plant always intrigued them form the moment of cultivation until the degustation of this incredible beverage. After deepening their understanding about coffee in its whole (from the cherry to the cup), and through numerous formations and certifications, this passion culminated in the foundation of the brand - Booínga Café.


   The concept of slow coffee brewing spiked their curiosity, and would change their view on coffee forever. The drink that would open the doors to a totally different world, full of aromas and flavours, which is the world of speciality coffee. With this kind of coffee, we actually know what we are drinking, we know where it came from and how it was treated. It excels by being transparent in terms of origin, processing and quality. Not wanting to take credit for a proper expresso, made with the right coffee and with every conformity, slow coffee gives you the kind of subtle details that you find in good wine. “The complexity and depth that are present in speciality coffee are no where to be found in the coffee we are used to drink” - Carlos Vieira (Founder).


   Therefore, we try to share this special variety which is yet too unknown. The truth is that with time, we seem to have reached a level of complacency, where we forget that what should be a rich, exotic drink has turned into a bitter monotony that we drink everyday before going to work. Every cup of coffee should tell a story, and speciality coffee will tell you a different one every time, one more interesting than the next. You can easily find flavours that can go from citric to chocolate or even roasted almonds. Coffee goes from a simple, burned and bitter drink to a vivid experience that will intrigue anyone’s taste buds.




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